lecture series winter 23/24
Cripping Online Lecture Performances?!
On the perspective of the lecture as a performance from a queer, disabled, deaf, chronically ill perspective.
What are issues that queer, disabled people are currently concerned about? What is knowledge of and about disability, how is it generated, archived, and shared? How do disabled or chronically ill artists* currently participate in knowledge production related to disability? What barriers do you face in academia, what barriers do you face in theater and performance? What is a lecture performance? Can the latter be "crippled"? What does the method of "cripping" actually mean? (How) does it open up not only institutions, but also forms and formats? And (how) can it performatively make higher education accessible to all?
The six-part online lecture series, under the artistic direction of Steven Solbrig, addresses these and other questions. Non-disabled, disabled, deaf, and chronically ill performers* and scholars* are invited to appropriate the "classic lecture time" (90 minutes) in crip time & space and performatively frame their online talk(s) and lecture(s).
For more information on dates and guests, click here.
Thursdays 18:00 to 19:30, online (via Zoom)
9. November - Cripping University? Introduction and discussion about Academic Ableism with Jay Dolmage and Konrad Wolf
23. November - Cripping Lecture/ Performance? with Sibylle Peters and Nina Mühlemann
30. November - This Is Not A Safe Space. COVID 19 & chronic illness in Lecture Performance with Elena Hoof
14. December - my rights & my lefts/My rights & my 12 left arm prostheses Prostheses in Lecture Performance with Anna Kilina and Kira Shmyreva
1. February - On something very special. Monsters in Lecture Performance with Dalibor Šandor
8. February - About the Escape to the Model Planet. Sex, Gender and Disability in Lecture Performance with Dennis Seidel (held in German)
Curated by Steven Solbrig
Please register for the lecture series at: weine@hessische-theaterakademie.de
Post production video & editing: Talisa Frenschkowski